Rooster kitchen set~
This is what they look like all unbundled~
these are some stitcheries I finished up almost a year ago but as you can tell have not finished them~
I don't know what to do with them. I was thinking of making just some mini wall hangings out of them but am not sure. Maybe they will just sit here and collect dirt and dust :)
Today I moved all of the furniture in the living room that can be moved and vac/mopped under everything. I did this just a few months ago and was suprised to find so much dust under everything. Now I know it is clean under things and tomorrow I will be febreezing everything and it will all smell wonderful.
Roger is taking off Friday of this week and Monday of next week(for Labor day) so he will have a nice 4 day weekend. I will enjoy his being home as I miss him when he is gone all day long.
My daughter Jennifer mentioned that the grandkids have been enjoying school, especially Katie as she gets to ride the school bus to and from school. Dylan is getting so big, not physically but age wise actually they both are.
We are planning a small get together for Roger's new sister at our home the weekend of Sept. 10 and we are looking forward to seeing her and her husband again. Nothing fancy or big, just a BBQ and some good company.
Blessings, JoAnn